
Facade rehabilitation project of the Bonaire building, Gandía beach.

Facade rehabilitation project of the Bonaire building, Gandía beach.


This residential building with complex geometry is located on Neptú Maritime Promenade, in Gandía beach, with the harshness of the surrounding environment. The project, which has planned a global intervention in 2 phases, has addressed the damage to the surroundings of the main façade, chipped areas, cracks, with the renovation of plastering and continuous application of high-performance paint.

High-strength concrete has been used in the complete regeneration of the corbels and other structural elements, and the surface reinforcements have been treated with cleaning and passivation techniques.

The balconies have also been waterproofed and paved with new prefabricated stones, designed and manufactured specifically for the project, made of unreinforced polymer concrete, which protect the structure, from the ULMA company, and the railings of the entire building have been replaced, significantly improving both functionality and aesthetics.

This renovation has helped update and protect the building to extend its useful life, and it has also been an opportunity to update its aesthetic, all while preserving the Mediterranean character of the building.

